The Brick House on the 23rd Line

     -Girl with a Garden-


     Often times people ask where the name "Brick 23 Flowers" comes from. It's quite simple... It's the brick house with all the flowers on the 23rd Line.

     Nestled on a farm in Southwestern Ontario, four years ago I successfully converted an old horse pasture into my dahlia dream. With a lot of support and volunteer work from my family, I grow and sell a wide range of flowers during the summer months at my road side stand which found its forever home in Maplewood, ON.

     For those who are established growers, you know what a "labour of love" dahlias are. Amidst the wet & cloudy summer this year, some very fine tubers came of my ~310 dahlia plants. Juggling pests and constant moisture, all 53 Varieties survived unscathed with lots of tubers to offer this fall.

     I am no more than a girl with a garden. Enjoy these dahlias as much as I do and always share your extras.

Happy Planting!
